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2022 "The failures that prepare the new financial crisis", KATHIMERINI 11 December 2022; New Money 12 December 2022. "Cooperation and not alienation", KATHIMERINI , 26 May 2022. "The EU to talk again with her History", AVGI , 13 March 2022.
2021 "Concerns about rising US public debt", KATHIMERINI, 05 December 2021. "Do not wait for the next crisis to be shielded", Efsyn , 31 October 2021. "Corporate taxes and inequalities", KATHIMERINI, 28 September 2021. "Populism and the future of politics", KATHIMERINI , 01 August 2021. "Digital currencies and instability in the international financial system", KATHIMERINI , 30 June 2021. "The absolute priority is the strengthening of popular sovereignty", Efsyn , 08 January 2021.
2020 "Extreme inequality was the preexisting condition: How COVID-19 widened America's wealth gap", ABC News, 28 June 2020. "Guaranteed employment for a strong recovery", Efsyn , 4 December 2020.
2019 "Assessing the state and prospects of the economy", Efsyn , 23 June 2019. "Don't let politics derail Greece's economic recovery", EURACTIV , 22 May 2019.
2017 "Economy and Development 2017", KATHIMERINI , 20 March 2017. "Dialog Conclusions on Tax Rates, Growth", KATHIMERINI , 4 February 2017. "The 'Sacred Cows' of N.D. and the Greek Reality", KATHIMERINI , 23 January 2017.
2016 "Reducing Taxes Does Not Automatically Mean Increase Investments", KATHIMERINI , 24 December 2016. "Creditors and Debtors Policies for Public Debt Restructuring", KATHIMERINI , 29 October 2016. "Tsipras Defeat in Attica Battle Bolsters Bank of Greece Governor", Bloomberg , 21 September 2016. "Restructuring the Greek Sovereign Debt", KATHIMERINI , 18 September 2016. "Britain Today, Germany Tomorrow", KATHIMERINI , 3 July 2016. "The Implementation of Austerity and Growth", KATHIMERINI , 31 May 2016. “View: For an improvement of the monetary system of the EU”, KATHIMERINI 30 April 2016 "The Half-measures Help Continue the Humanitarian Crisis (in Greece)", KATHIMERINI , 20 March 2016. "Useful Tool the 'Guaranteed Employment'", KATHIMERINI , 3 March 2016.
2015 "Complementary Currency and Economic Stability", KATHIMERINI , 13 December 2015. "ECB and How to Revise the Financial Rules of the Eurozone", KATHIMERINI , 22 November 2015. "The New Bank Recapitalization and How to Avoid the Traps of Those Previously", KATHIMERINI , 18 October 2015. "The Super-bank Which Opens the Way to Development", ETHNOS , 10 August 2015. "The Varoufakis Plan Was A Surprise For Me", KATHIMERINI , 9 August 2015. "The Varoufakis Plan Is Not Related to the Levy Proposal", NAFTEMPORIKI , 30 July 2015. "The Vulture Funds System Should Be Abandoned", Tiempo , 7 June 2015. "If Lenders Accept the Proposals, It Would Be Like Accepting They Were Wrong", AVGI , 27 April 2015. "Germany's Fixation on Austerity As A Means in Achieving Political Union", KATHIMERINI, 29 March 2015. "Greek Debt: Do the Right Thing", The Huffington Post , 18 March 2015. "The Restructuring of Public Debt", (with Michalis Nikiforos) KATHIMERINI , 8 March 2015. "The Problem of Greek Debt", (with Michalis Nikiforos and Gennaro Zezza) , 7 March 2015. "Hello 2015. Goodbye Austerity", The Huffington Post , 8 January 2015.
2014 "Juncker's Stimulus Plan is Unrealistic on Many Fronts", Bridging Europe ,16 December 2014. “Will Lindsay Lohan Save Greece?”, Newgeography , 25 September 2014. “The Program of SYRIZA: An Economic Bargain”, TO VIMA , 21 September 2014. “We Need A Single European Financial Market”, KATHIMERINI , 21 September 2014. “The Solution for the Debt Is A Large Haircut”, Eleftheros Typos , 14 September 2014. “Two lost decades and still an over indebted Greece”, Eleftherotypia , 14 September 2014. “The economy is living the myth of numbers”, ETHNOS , 31 August 2014. “Greek Crisis and the Dark Clouds Over the American Economy”, Truthout , 27 August 2014. “How would Greece get out of the unemployment impasse?”, KATHIMERINI , 27 August 2014. “Are EU Bankers Trying to Increase Unemployment in Greece?”, The Huffington Post , 21 August 2014. “Export Model ‘Science Fiction’”, NAFTEMPORIKI , 5 August 2014. “We need a different Europe”, KATHIMERINI , 6 July 2014. “The coming ‘tsunami of debt’ and financial crisis in America”, The Guardian , 15 June 2014. “The Greek Economy Looks Like A Beaten Boxer” Part II, Eleftherotypia , 11 May 2014. “The Greek Economy Looks Like A Beaten Boxer” Part I, Eleftherotypia , 4 May 2014. “The Myth of the Greek ‘Success Story’”, Truthout, 4 May 2014. “Employment Policies”, KATHIMERINI , 6 April 2014. “The Jobs-Currency Connection in Greece”, AVGI , 27 March 2014. “The Jobs-Currency Connection in Greece”, ETHNOS , 26 March 2014. “The Jobs-Currency Connection in Greece”, The Huffington Post , 25 March 2014. “The Currency/Jobs Connection in Greece”, EconoMonitor , 24 March 2014. “ How to Restart the Engine of Growth”, KATHIMERINI, 2 February 2014.
“Examining the Unthinkable”, KATHIMERINI , 13 December 2013. “The Ongoing Crisis in Greece and the Eurozone”, KATHIMERINI , 1 December 2013. “The U.S. Economy Needs an Exports-led Boost”, Reuters , 26 November 2013. “Even if Austerity is Discontinued the Hope for Growth is not Until 2016”, KATHIMERINI , 10 November 2013. “Government Announcements are Incompatible with Reality”, AVGI , 4 November 2013. “Export Led Growth: Why the Troika’s Greek Strategy Is Failing”, (with Michalis Nikiforos and Gennaro Zezza) , 14 September 2013. “The Great Depression of 1930 is like a Rainstorm in Relation to the Greek Complete Catastrophe”, Eleftherotypia , 11 August 2013. “Greece Needs a 21st Century Marshall Plan”, Bloomberg , 11 August 2013. “Austerity’s Failure in Greece: Time to Think the Unthinkable?”, Truthout , 7 August 2013. “Exiting the Greek Crisis Requires a Marshall Plan”, AVGI , 29 July 2013. “The Greek catastrophe and a possible way out”, openDemocracy , 24 July 2013. “Coming Soon: Another London Whale Shocker?”, The Huffington Post , 18 June 2013. “It’s A Fantasy for Greece to Quickly Return to the Financial Markets”, Enthemata - AVGI , 5 April 2013. “Parallel Currency for Greece and Cyprus as Means of Exiting the Crisis”, ETHNOS , 7 April 2013. “To create jobs, the U.S. must spend”, L.A. Times , 5 April 2013. “Major Challenges and Policy Choices for the Eurozone and Greece”, AVGI , 10 March 2013. “Legends of the Greek Fall”, The Huffington Post , 20 February 2013. “2013 and 2014 Will Be Even More Turbulent Than 2012 for the Greek Economy”, AVGI , 17 February 2013. “The Myths of the Crisis and the ‘Excessive’ Expenditures”, KATHIMERINI , 10 February 2013. “The Great Depression of ‘29 is Repeated in Greece Today”, ETHNOS , 27 January 2013. “What Is Needed in Greece Is A Change of Mentality: A Profile”, KATHIMERINI , 27 January 2013. “Dramatic Increase of Debt”, Eleftherotypia , 13 January 2013. “The Need for a New Political and Social Agreement”, TO VIMA , 12 January 2013.
“A Marshall Plan for Growth”, IMERISIA, 11 November 2012. “Fiscal Cliff: Reality Show or Morality Play?”, The Huffington Post , 6 November 2012. “Avoiding the US Fiscal Cliff”, (with Greg Hannsgen) NAFTEMPORIKI , 5 November 2012. “Romney will Strengthen Plutocracy”, ETHNOS , 4 November 2012. “The Eurozone Crisis and the Collapse of Greece”, NAFTEMPORIKI , 21 September 2012. “Europe's Highway to Hell”, The Nation, 21 August 2012. “Dodd-Frank: Fossil of the Future?”, The Huffington Post , 22 July 2012. “Is There A Dead End for Unemployment?”, KATHIMERINI , 18 March 2012. “Greece: How to Slow the Nosedive”, The Huffington Post , 9 February 2012. “Need jobs? Call on government”, L.A. Times , 5 January 2012.
“The Future of the Eurozone and Greece’s Place in It,” Eleftherotypia , 20 November 2011. “Greece and the Eurozone Crisis”, KATHIMERINI , 13 November 2011. “The Achilles’ Heel of the Eurozone”, L.A. Times , 2 November 2011. “Interview,” Eleftherotypia , 9 October 2011. “Endgame for the Euro”, The Huffington Post , 18 September 2011. “The Die-Hard Recession Heads Off the Charts”, Newgeography , 8 September 2011. “Diagnosing New Inflation Symptoms”, Newgeography , 26 May 2011. “To Restore Jobs, U.S. Has to Ramp Up Exports”, L.A. Times , 13 May 2011. “Interview,” Epsilon Magazine of Eleftherotypia , 8 May 2011. “The Printing Press and the Euromess”, Truthout , 13 March 2011. “Mortgage Meltdown: How Underwriting Went Under”, Newgeography , 16 February 2011.
“2011: Jobs Versus the Deficit”, Truthout , 29 December 2010 “Compromise is Poison”, The European , November 2010. “Options for the Eurozone”, KATHIMERINI , 15 August 2010 (in Greek). “The Faulty Structure of the Eurozone”, KATHIMERINI , 11 July 2010 (in Greek). “Spending Cuts and Tax Increase will not Decrease the Budget Deficit”, KATHIMERINI , 27 June 2010 (in Greek). “Greek Debt Restructuring Unavoidable”, KATHIMERINI , 6 June 2010 (in Greek). “The European Mega Loan Fund is No Panacea”, KATHIMERINI , 16 May 2010 (in Greek). “The Future of the Euro: Europe’s Threat and Pity”, KATHIMERINI , 2 May 2010 (in Greek). “How the Wall Street Investment Banks Sank Greece”, KATHIMERINI , 7 March 2010 (in Greek). “Holiday From the Eurozone Would Bankrupt Greece”, Financial Times , 19 February 2010. “A New ‘New Deal’ for Job Creation”, KATHIMERINI , 24 January 2010 (in Greek).
“The Global Economic Crisis and Beyond”, Annandale , Fall 2009. 2008 “Save the Small and Medium Size Banks”, KATHIMERINI , 28 December 2008 (in Greek). “A Three Pronged Policy to Contain the Recession”, KATHIMERINI , 19 October 2008 (in Greek). 2004 “U.S. Budget Deficits: The way out”, Analyst , Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), January 2004. 2003
“Only Fiscal Activism Has the Power to Counter Recession, Because Central Banks are Incompetent”, (with Philip Arestis) Financial Times , 29 August 2003. 2002
“Levy Institute Foresaw Scale and Timing of US Slowdown”, Financial Times , 9 January 2002. 1999
“What to Do With the Budget Surplus”, The New York Times , 7 February 1999. 1998
“On Budget Surplus, A Hollow Victory”, The New York Times , 2 November 1998. 1997
“Stupid Hat Tricks: balanced-budget amendment is good rhetoric, bad policy”, Chicago Tribune , 31 January 1997. 1992
"Free Markets Reconsidered”, Annandale , Spring 1992. 1989 “Economics: A Discipline Misunderstood”, Annandale , Winter 1989‑90.